bookmark_borderHorde DIMP Portal: Let Dimp use classic Horde Portal settings

When you use DIMP, the AJAX frontend to Horde Groupware‘s widely used IMP webmailer, you usually want to hide the classic horde sidebar and the horde portal itself. Though DIMP provides its own portal page to display Horde Blocks, it does not provide any configuration tool for them but provides one static set for all users. One way around this is to make use of the user’s existing classic Horde Portal settings. This is how it works: Edit dimp/config/portal.php and add the following lines:

$horde_portal_layout = @unserialize($prefs->getValue(‘portal_layout’));
/* Format is
[column] empty or array app
[app] (string registry app identifier)
[height] (integer rows)
[width] (integer columns)
[params] (array)
[type] string block type identifier
[params] array, specific to block type*/

foreach ($horde_portal_layout as $horde_portal_row) {
foreach ($horde_portal_row as $item) {
if (is_array($item)) {
$dimp_block_list[$collection->getName($item[‘app’], $item[‘params’][‘type’] )] = array( ‘ob’ => $collection->getBlock( $item[‘app’], $item[‘params’][‘type’], $item[‘params’][‘params’] ) );

This is only a first approach to a complete solution. Dimp allows to add a specific DOM ID to every single block and to load specific JavaScript or template markup. In the default configuration, some blocks like the Ingo Filter’s overview block look odd in dimp portal, which was not in mind when they were originally designed.

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