bookmark_borderOpenSUSE Build Service rebranded

Today the openSUSE project announced that their packaging solution OpenSUSE Build Service will be re-branded to highlight the crossplatform nature of the product. The new name of the platform will be Open Build Service (OBS). Commercial support will also be available soon.

Ralph Dehner, CEO at B1 Systems GmbH noted:

“In the past B1 Systems has written build environments for the customers by itself. With the open Build Service now exists a “standard” which makes it easy to build packages for different distributions and architectures.

This will be also interesting for many other open source projects.”

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bookmark_borderHorde 4 submit-requested into OpenSUSE 12.1

Today I submit-requested the Horde 4 Application Framework and the stable apps for openSUSE Factory.
This is becoming openSUSE 12.1 if the packages get accepted on time. They are currently in review.

openSUSE Legal team wants to review all packages’ licensing – I’m sure that’s NOT the fun part of their job.

If everything works fine, openSUSE 12.1 will be the first distribution to feature horde 4 in their mainstream repositories.

Continue reading “Horde 4 submit-requested into OpenSUSE 12.1”

bookmark_borderHowto: Packaging 3rd party pear channel software with %php_pear_gen_filelist macro

The %php_pear_gen_filelist macro, maintained by Christian Wittmer, is really handy for packaging php pear software packages. It generates rpmlint-happy filelists and if you manage to get the dependencies right, packaging pear stuff for rpm is really a no-brainer. But the standard recipe for using this macro has one drawback: It’s ignorant of installed 3rd party roles and channels. 3rd party pear packages which depend on their channel being registered normally fail.

The workaround is easy: Copy the channel file to the build location.


# spec file for package php5-pear-Horde_Auth (Version 1.0.3)
# Copyright (c) 2011 Ralf Lang.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An “Open Source License” is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via

# norootforbuild

Name: php5-pear-Horde_Auth
%define pear_name Horde_Auth
%define pear_sname horde_auth
Summary: PEAR: Horde Authentication API
Version: 1.0.3
Release: 1
License: LGPL
Group: Development/Libraries/PHP
BuildRoot: %/%-%-root-%(% -n)
BuildRequires: php5-pear >= 1.4.7
Requires: php5-pear-Horde_Exception < 2.0.0, php5-pear-Horde_Util < 2.0.0, php5-pear >= 1.7.0
Conflicts: php5-pear-Horde_Exception = 2.0.0, php5-pear-Horde_Util = 2.0.0
BuildRequires: php5-pear-channel-horde
Requires: php5-pear-channel-horde
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: php-macros

# Fix for renaming (package convention)
Provides: php5-pear-% = %
Provides: php-pear-% = %
Provides: pear-% = %
Obsoletes: php5-pear-% < %
Obsoletes: php-pear-% < %
Obsoletes: pear-% < %

The Horde_Auth package provides a common interface into the various
backends for the Horde authentication system.

%setup -c

% package*.xml %-%
cd %-%
PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=”$(which php) -d memory_limit=50m”
% %%/.channels/
% %/.channels/ \

% -v \
-d doc_dir=/doc \
-d bin_dir=% \
-d data_dir=%/data \
-d test_dir=%/tests \
install –offline –nodeps -R “%” package.xml

% -D -m 0644 package.xml %%/%.xml

% -rf %/{doc,tmp}
% -rf %%/.{filemap,lock,registry,channels,depdb,depdblock}

cd ..


rm -rf %

if [ “$1” = “1” ]; then
% install –nodeps –soft –force –register-only %/%.xml
if [ “$1” = “2” ]; then
% upgrade –offline –register-only %/%.xml

if [ “$1” = “0” ]; then
% uninstall –nodeps –ignore-errors –register-only

%files -f %.files

Two parts are marked black: First you have to include the channel package with “BuildRequires:”. Second marked part copies the channel file from the installed location to the buildroot location.
Feel free to reuse or criticise this solution.

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bookmark_borderHorde Team announces RC1 of Horde Groupware 4.0

Since the release of Horde 4 and select applications, people kept asking for a new release of the popular Horde Groupware and Horde Groupware Webmail Edition bundles.

Horde is now about to release such a bundle, which features new ajax frontends for calendaring, tasks and improved mobile frontend for mail.

The new bundles will be released as pear collections. Gone are the tarballs.

bookmark_borderLatest, Greatest – B1 Systems and Horde LLC on LinuxTag – passwd unofficial H4 package

This weekend, I visited the LinuxTag exhibition in Berlin, both to support my company’s booth and to talk to the horde guys whose booth was just on the opposite side, allowing easy coordination. As a result, I adopted the passwd tool which hasn’t yet been released for H4. It’s been packaged for the SUSE server:php:applications repository and will be part of the next pre-release of the upcoming Horde 4 Demo VM. First effort was adding a new backend driver ‘horde’ which is just a proxy to horde’s configured authentication backend.

Tux all about LinuxTag